Wednesday, March 17, 2021

5 Sources of News

Although I know news is important, local and world wide, I do not often read into it as much as I should. However, when I do, these are 5 sources I may use to look into a topic.

1. Google news

I use google news for a few reasons, It can be reliable if you check who has published the article, it is easy to access, and it searches the majority of the internet giving you a lot of results. Cons would be that because it pulls up a lot of different sources, some of them are not reliable and sometimes it is a lot to look through. 

2. My local town newspaper

I will not be linking this one for privacy reasons, but, local newspapers are easy to look through, they have to be pretty reliable because they are being published in the town, and it helps narrow down information to local stuff going on. Cons would be you may not get more global information.

3.  TV News station

TV news is good for a couple of reasons, again it has to be somewhat reliable because is broadcasted country wide,  it is also easy to follow because you can listen or watch instead of read. It is also usually up to date daily on the current information. Cons are, sometimes depending on the channel it can be biased on certain topics, and you also need the right platform to be able to watch it. 

4. Instagram

This platform I can admit is not the best for getting information, but it is convenient. I am on the app regardless if I am looking for news or not so I am forced to see what people are posting about topics. What I can do and sometimes will do, is if I see a topic that is interesting or seems important or instagram, I will then go and research it on one of the other news platforms to see if that person posting is reliable and getting the correct information. Cons are it is not very reliable because it is a lot of opinion and not verified info. 

5.  Youtube 

Lastly, another one that isn't the greatest but is again convenient. Youtube has its own news tab which because youtube is owned by google, is often similar topics you could find on google news but in video form if that is easier for one to follow. However, I usually use youtube for more personal drama news such as what scandal different people are in. Cons are again, being reliable unless it is verified.  

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