Thursday, April 8, 2021

The First Personal Computer

The first personal computer was the Altair developed in 1974-1975 by Ed Roberts. He was in a small firm called MITS. Many different computers were released after this breakthrough along with different versions of the Altair.  Also in 1975 with this release was the beginning version of Microsoft was written by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Personal computers were much less expensive than the mainframe computers used by big business which made them easier to be accessible to the public. 

Even though that was technically the first personal computer, The industry really started to develop in 1977 with the release of three new PCs. The Apple computers, the Tandy radio shack, and the commodore business machines. These used 8 bit microprocessors. After that computers went through many different developmental stages, some computers were big and clunkier but could do more, while others were small and compact but had less capability. There was also a lot of back and forth and competition between apple and other PC companies. 

Eventually PCs and laptops were able to slim down while still offering more capability than the older models which brought us to current times with products like the iMac and the Macbook air, both are very small but functional. Other PCS also became smaller and separated the monitor from the rest of the computer. The 1989 Macintosh portable was one of the first laptops that could be brought around. In 1993 Apple came out with the first hand handle computer, the newton 

Desktop computers have a lot of pros and cons and are the beginning of personal computers.

Pros. 1. Easy to configure and upgrade 2. Easy to repair 3. Most affordable 4. Best performance 

Cons 1. Not portable 2. Can be noisy 3. Need power supply 4. Takes up more space

Computers opened up the world to all other technology like cell phones and then led to all the social media programs like youtube, instagram, facebook, and even google. Computers make the web possible as well as with our cell phones. We are able to connect to information as well as people all around the globe within a matter of seconds making many tasks a whole lot easier and faster.

However the downside to this is sometimes we either get lost in our devices and loose touch with the real world or sometimes it can lead us to false information. The market is also always changing and it can be expensive to upgrade to the newest technology.

 Overall, the first portable computer was an amazing advancement in technology that has evolved and changed the lives of the world greatly. Even though every product and technology has its downsides, what is important is that we use them to our advantage and make sure the good out weights the bad. 


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