Monday, April 12, 2021

The good, The bad, and The ugly of Computer AI

 Artificial Intelligence has been developing rapidly and taking over a lot of aspects of life in the U.S and especially in China. In the movie "In the Age of AI" (full film) by FRONTLINE Some are referring to it as the New Space Race” or that data is the new oil and China is the new Saudi Arabia. 

Some of the pros are using computer intelligence for harmless and useful scanning over data such as in the medical field. There was talk about using computer intelligence to look at breast scans to look for early signs of issues or cancer. Computers can go through data way faster than a human can, so if it is accurate enough and can spot what we can or more, it can be a very useful tool to help us improve. 

However, there are also a lot of cons to Computer AI especially when it comes to privacy. Computer AI allows companies to collect all sorts of data from people from who you text to what you look up online and even where your location is. That can be pretty scary. The problem with this is there is no telling who gets this information and what they are doing with it. It is a current issue trying to limit and regulate data selling. 

With all of our data being sold around and easily taken it puts people at risk for things like identity theft or other hacking and safety issues. This can also have an effect on national security. Although our important national data is pretty well protected, with the advancements of hacking and AI there is no saying what can be done and if we are able to keep up the security as fast. It can also be used to sway people's opinions such as in politics. 

Lastly, it is also an issue because people believe that as computers develop and become smarter many jobs will be lost because companies will be able to replace them with cheaper more efficient computers. It is a worry that this could take a big toll on the world's economy and it will be hard to find enough other jobs for those in replaceable positions.

Thankfully, although there is no saying where the U.S will go in terms of privacy and AI, we are doing comparatively better than other countries where citizens are constantly being watched and tracked by cameras and AI. It is important to recognize the urgency of this issue and make sure something is done about it and regulations are put in place before it does get too out of hand.

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