Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Early Technology Presentations

 Today in class we got to hear from 4 different groups about the history of different technology that is common and very developed now a days. 

I found the iPhone presentation done by group 1 really interesting because this product has sky rocked and become the most popular phone in the united states along with all the other apple products as well. 

I also find it interesting because when it came out I was old enough to remember and be involved in that era of time. I can remember when everyone in my family got their first iPhone. My older brother came over to our house and was showing his new iPhone 1 off to my dad. My dad thought it was so amazing that he was convinced right then and there he needed one. So we all hopped into the car and we drove to the AT&T store where he bought his first iPhone 3. 

The first iPhone was released in June 2007 and within the first year they sold 1.4 million phones. The iPhone 3 was released only a year later in July 2008. It is amazing how after that each year or two a new iPhone would release with even more capabilities that had never been done before. It has also transformed a lot visually from bigger to smaller and now back to big again with the Plus line.

I didn't get my first iPhone until I was in 7th Grade which was about 2014, but before that I owned two other groundbreaking apple products, the Ipod Touch and the iPad mini. 

My first phone was the iPhone 5c which was cool because it was the first iPhone to come in all kinds of fun colors. Since owning my first phone, there has been so many changes from picture quality, to finger print passcodes, then they removed the headphone jack, and added face id passcodes. 

Overall, I would say it was one of the biggest and has the biggest impact of society because it led to many of the apps and platforms we have today along with the computer, and most teens in America today own a smartphone if not an iPhone. 

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