Saturday, April 17, 2021

Freedom of Speech, Unless you are Anti-War

The topic of Anti-War has been a hush hush topic in America for a very long time. One big example of this was in the progressive era with WW1. Many people were thrown in jail for speaking out against the war. Many people felt this violated our right to freedom of speech especially because the government was involved however the people in jail were never released. 

Over time this improved slightly, but there is still a lot of controversy and issues with those who want to go against the government or who are anti-war. Fast forwarding into today's world, a lot of these issues still persist. Although it is not as obvious as it once was that the government wants to cover up Anti-War voices, it can be seen by the lack there of in our highly broadcasted media.

Although we don't see Anti-War voices in our popular media, they are still out there on platforms like The American Conservative and even more commonly on their website dedicated for their stories and voices This site is dedicated to tons of stories and writers who are using their freedom of expression, press, and speech to look down on and go against the multiple different war movements going on in America today. 

As for myself, I did not even know these sites existed prior to now. This is for many different reasons being one, I am not super into news, and also that if I go onto google or turn on the news channel these websites and ideas aren't broadcasted. As for the question why are these sites so unknown and hidden, it is hard to say exactly why but, it defiantly has to do with America's history and how those who expressed these opinions were punished and silenced. 

Going forward we must spread awareness that these voices are out there and make sure they maintain freedom to exist and spread their opinions. One of the things we fight for in America is freedom, and while this freedom may not be as pressing as other issues going on nation and world wide, it is still an important one to make sure everyones voices are heard and accepted safely.

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