Wednesday, April 28, 2021

What I learned from Today's Presentations

One topic today that I found interesting and really relevant was the topic of Illusory truth effect. Illusory truth effect is defined as when people start to believe false information to be true after hearing it or seeing it multiple times. One of the biggest and obvious problems with this is that is not good to have people believing information that is not true because it causes divide within the country, it can make people uneducated and more harshly, seem stupid. It makes issues much harder to solve if we are not using the correct information to even understand the issue, never-mind take the right steps to solve it. It can also persuade important topics like politics, and Covid 19. When trying to choose a candidate to run our entire country or know to to stay safe and put an end to a pandemic, it is important we have the correct information and don't fall for fake information coming out because it will make life and hardship for us even worse instead of getting better. 

I feel like goes hand in hand with another topic the group discussed which was confirmation bias. This is the tendency to process information by looking for information that backs up ones already existing beliefs. This works along with the  Illusory truth effect because people may begin to begin false information, and then from there only want to search for and believe information that backs up that belief instead of listening to some of the information that actually may be the truth. People may ignore or get upset when they see information that does not go along with what we believe to be true and leads to claims of fake news and divides among the country.  

Overall, these are both so wild and it hard to believe this actually happens so often. However, I think in 2020 and 2021 we have seen so many examples of this especially with the election and the pandemic. It is sad how divided everyone is and no one seems to know what the real truth is. 

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